Wednesday, January 14, 2009

wait, wait, don't tell me

minirobot was tagged and I love her post. Made me rethink this tagging thing.
  1. My first car was a 1966, pink Plymouth Valiant. Three on the tree.
  2. I have terribly outmoded taste in music. I like some punk and am a sucker for a mournful female vocalist, but if lost on a desert island, I would most miss Simon & Garfunkel
  3. I don't see anything wrong with taking two baths in one day.
  4. The best thing to come from this blog is a friendship with The Ugly Earring.
  5. I've never owned a Royal Quiet Deluxe. My first typewriter was a humble Smith Corona.
  6. I really do want Carl Kassel's voice on my home answering machine.
If they were inclined, I would want to know more about Now Voyager and Water and Wool.
Photo of the gorgeous goddaughter


  1. you're the reason why i keep at this blogging bit.

    thank you for the warm feelings as i read this very lovely post, for your always lovely and encouraging emails, kind words and comments. but most importantly for such a lovely friendship that has blossomed. i blame it on bowl haircuts!


  2. Hi gorgeous!
    Such a shame how long it's been since i visited your blog! I am so sorry!
    Your blog is still a wonderful. inspiring place. Thanks for that.

    Thanks also for your lovely comment, it made me smile!

    Have a great day, dear!


  3. Oh She is beautiful in this photo. It is a lovely post. You inspire me with your words. She inspire me with her beauty and her big black round eyes.

    Love you too!


  4. I loved reading these tidbits about you! Short and sweet, lovely little post!

  5. This list is simply wonderful - I have a feeling I might be the same with kids.

  6. Wow, my first car was a 1982 Nissan Sentra. Automatic. Lucky you.

    Also, bathe til your heart's content is what I always say! Ok, I've never actually said that, but why not.

  7. i posted mine!

    ps. i love WWDTM!!

  8. I loved this post - why stop at 2 baths?!

  9. i can relate to 4, 5, 6. except 4 is more like 7, 5 is more like unlimited, and 6 is poetry.

    i like learning more about people.

  10. Loved this post and your goddaughter is stunning!
