Saturday, October 25, 2008

palm springs

I'm in Palm Springs for the week, a place I don't know all that well. Reading Th1rteen R3asons Why, Story of A Girl, and Living Dead Girl (all YA). Lots of buzz about Living Dead Girl (especially among young adult librarians), most of it positive. Also reading the W with Angelina Jolie on the cover and an amazing spread by Roni Horn inside, Paul Pincus's blog, and the SFMOMA's Nov/Dec newsletter.


  1. Palm Springs is wonderful! Enjoy it.

    If you finish your other books, you might want to pick up Douglas Coupland's Generation X, which is set in that funky little desert town.

  2. thank you so much for the mention! made my day : )

    hope you had a chance to see lots of albert frey's work. i love palm springs! cheers.

  3. the thrifting used to be amazing there! have a blast....a little socal and desert for your template! enjoy!

  4. Revivals thrift stores in Palm Springs. Unbeatable.

  5. since you've ready 13 reasons, you should check out these videos that have been popping up. someone has 'released' hannah's tapes on youtube. i think they are impressively done.
